La vida acuática y las aves del Estero de San Pancho nos necesitan. Suma tus fuerzas como Guardian, Voluntario o Héroe del Estero de San Pancho.
Escoge tu turno para participar en labores de restauración del estero (reparación y elaboración de redes y remoción de durante las proximas semanas (estimamos máximo al15 de agosto de 2024)
Coloca tu nombre y la letra deacuerdo a tu categoría de colaboración:
G Guardian (con remuneración de acuerdo al tabulador)
V Voluntario (contribuyes sin remuneración).
Asegurate de estar en comunicación con el coordinador del programa por mensaje de texto o whatsapp al +52 3221397242
Testimonial Visit of 60 Kearney members to the San Pancho Bird Observatory August 6, 2022
“With great enthusiasm and energy, the Kearney-Mexico team made its visit to support the San Pancho Bird Observatory to remove water lilies in the San Pancho beach estuary on August 6, 2022. The removal of the lilies is crucial since it alters the fish ecosystem. The team removed more than 15 tons during the visit in about 3 hours.
The leadership of Luis Morales - Director of the Observatory - provided great motivation by explaining both the ecological problem and the barriers they face to solve it more effectively, which result from regulatory, funding and operational aspects. At the same time, Luis organized us to make the cross fit fun and with team spirit.
Our reflection as a group was that this first contact raised our awareness and as Kearney we will continue to support the Observatory to reach a solution in a structured and sustainable way.
All of us at Kearney are very grateful for the contact and the facilitation. First of all, we want to thank Claudia Marin, Director of Fejal, for introducing us to Alejandra Rivera, Director of the Punta de Mita Foundation, and Gricelda Orozco, Director of Development of this Foundation, who were the link with their ally, the San Pancho Bird Observatory.
In short, a great initiative and a powerful network of Foundations to provide solutions that make a difference… A thousand thanks from the Kearney team”.
Volunteering is the way we can contribute to a better environment for birds and improve the well-being of people, especially the most vulnerable groups.
Please consider being our volunteer, we have many interesting projects and it's always a fun way to meet more people and feel part of the community… Plus you could learn another language!
Tenemos diversas oportunidades de voluntariado durante el año.
Por favor cuéntanos un poco sobre ti y tu interés en participar como voluntario escribienonos a: birdingsanpancho@gmal.com
Tenemos necesidad de voluntarios en las áreas de:
Investigación científica y monitoreo.
Educación ambiental y desarrollo de capacidades.
Ciencias de conservación (ornitología, ecología, economía ambiental, restauración ecológica, etc).
Desarrollo Comunitario (trabajo con la gente en talleres, festivales, encuestas, eventos de recaudación).
Proyectos de restauración ecológica.
Asistencia contable.
Proyectos artísticos.
Mantenimiento de inmuebles.
Comunicaciones y manejo de redes sociales.
Producción de audio y video.